Let’s put together a masonry heater! - Support our crowdfunding campaign
Link to our campaign, below you can read the translation. (Click "Támogatom" for donation options.)
Have you ever slept in an unheated room in winter? In Hungary this happens to hundreds of thousands of people each year. We at Protect the Future Association (Védegylet) are launching a social enterprise called ApPró Tech which aims to mitigate this problem. We build masonry heaters for rural families living in poverty. These wood burning systems are cost-efficient and have little negative impact on health and the environment.
For instance in Pécs, Southern Hungary there is a poor neighborhood where locals started an initiative called ‘Hero Square Working Group’ striving for change. Heating during winter months also causes great challenges for this community. They have launched a project making biomass briquettes as an alternative fuel to wood, and also insulate windows for the members of the community. At the same time households use old inefficient metal heaters, consuming a lot of wood and polluting the air.
Gyuri and Piri are founding members of the Working Group and live in this neighborhood with their 5 children. We are now collecting donations to build an efficient and beautiful masonry heater for them. This will be able to provide comfortable heat for the whole house while saving at least half of their wood consumption. There will be an in-built oven in too, also reducing on cooking fuel.
As it is the first year of our enterprise we are still missing some essential tools for our work. Part of your donations will contribute to acquiring some of this equipment, helping us to sustain our activities and ensure we can help many more families in the future.
What are the things we already have?
- A vision: We believe our social enterprise contributes to people’s well being and to a healthier environment.
- An experienced Team: Nóra Feldmar certified masonry heater builder (industrial ecologist, product designer); motivated builder assistants; full support of the Association’s staff members and volunteers
- The Hero Square Working Group will host us and do all necessary preparations.
- An enthusiastic family: Gyuri and his family are really looking forward to their new heater. We worked with Gyuri several times before and we can count on him during the build.
- Bricks and tiles: Habitat for Humanity Hungary offered us construction materials, which are already at the location.
- Mud: The mortar used for the heater will be locally sourced clay soil, which was traditionally used by locals for construction and stove building.
How can you help?
With any donation you can afford. In order to build the heater and develop our enterprise we need to pay for building materials, tools, travel and labor costs.
Click Here and you will be directed to the donation options for our project on a Hungarian crowd funding website. (If you have a translator extension in your browser you can generate an automatic translation.)
There you will be able to choose the amount you want to donate.
On the left you will need to fill out the following details:
- Surname (Vezetéknév)
- First name (Keresztnév)
- Email address
- Amount of donation in HUF (Az Ön által adományozott összeg)
You can choose to pay with either:
- OTP Bank (only in Hungarian, but quite straightforward)
- SimplePay. Once you are at the payment page you can scroll to the bottom and click on several languages including English.
The following options will be presented to you:
- I would like to hide my details from the public. (Szeretném az adataimat elrejteni a publikus felületekről.)
- I agree for my details to be shared with the receiving organization. (Beleegyezem hogy az adataimhoz a támogatott szervezet hozzáférhessen.)
- I would like to sign up for the donors newsletter (Szeretnék feliratkozni az adományozói hírlevélre.)
- I accept the terms and conditions - compulsory field. (Elfogadom az ÁSZF-et.*)
The amounts presented to you are (you can also choose any amount you wish to donate):
- 1000 Ft ( HUF)
- 3 EUR
- 4 USD
- 3 GBP
- 2000 Ft (HUF)
- 6.5 EUR
- 8 USD
- 6 GBP
- 5000 Ft (HUF)
- 16 EUR
- 19 USD
- 14.5 GBP
- 10,000 Ft (HUF)
- 32 EUR
- 38 USD
- 28.5 GBP
- 20,000 Ft (HUF)
- 64.5 EUR
- 76.5 USD
- 57.5 GBP
- other
We appriceate your contribution! Of course you will receive updates about the project.
And the link again, just in case ;)